[Fredslist] Sales Person Wanted - Fitness Business

Steven Skyles-Mulligan steven at evokestrategies.com
Thu Jun 12 14:14:17 EDT 2014

Can we stir up some Gotham magic for a friend and sometime client of mine?

Marketing/Sales for new outdoor specialty sport played in kayaks

Ground floor opportunity at New York Kayak Company for a highly motivated individual to spearhead sales and marketing for a thrilling original on-water game that was invented to fill an unmet demand from groups interested in waterborne adventures for team building, entertainment, parties, and just plain old fun. The game, a trademarked patent pending intellectual property 20 years in it's making, will roll out in two phases: 1) local sales to groups, 2) franchise and licensing sales. This is an opportunity to play a major role in developing a new global brand. Candidates should possess strong sales, marketing, and social media backgrounds. Any experience with Equinox, Swerve Fit, CrossFit Training, Tough Mudder, or Spartan Race is viewed with favor, as is experience in a start-up where you contributed as a member of a small team.

The successful candidate will respond by email with a resume and cover letter that articulates your interest in the opportunity and takes a first pass at outlining your strategy for phase 1.  Email to randall at nykayak.com<mailto:randall at nykayak.com> and please mention my name.


Ø  successful sales background

Ø  cold call proficiency

Ø  excellent communication skills

Ø  experience in marketing and social media

Ø  strong organizational and planning skills

Ø  ability to work independently with limited supervision

Ø  creative problem solving

Ø  referral generating ability

Ø  develop prospective customer lists

Ø  create and distribute promotional materials

Ø  passion for the outdoors and connecting with nature

Steven Skyles-Mulligan
Executive Director
Evoke Strategies
245 8th Avenue, #364
New York, NY 10011
LinkedIn:  http://www.linkedin.com/in/stevenskylesmulligan
Author of Build Your Practice the Logical Way<http://apps.americanbar.org/abastore/index.cfm?section=main&fm=Product.AddToCart&pid=5310411>, published by First Chair Press/ABA, May 2012

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