[Fredslist] A Little Girl in South Florida Needs Our Help

JADLER115 at aol.com JADLER115 at aol.com
Tue Jul 29 19:51:58 EDT 2014

Dear Fellow Gothamites,
Last week I wrote about the colorful and joyous presentation our newest  
member Jenifer Wilson of Its all about entertaining, gave at our last  
meeting.  All, however, was not just pinks and purples there was a story  which 
will touch your heart and perhaps your wallet.  
Jenifer's administration assistant, Natasha, has a daughter,  Liliani.  
Liliani has been badly burned and  is in need of our  help.  I am attaching a 
link where you can go to see the pictures of how  badly this child has been 
burned.  She needs a few more operations.   The insurance company is calling 
any more operations "elective surgery" and will  not pay.
If you can help on line that would be wonderful.  From what I  understand 
they are only looking for about $10,000.00 to complete the  surgery.  
However, this is the summer of giving. If, at one of your  meetings, you do not 
have a  charity of choice, please put your card in the  envelope with whatever 
you can and put _Skin Reconstructive Surgery by Natasha  Lavastida - 
GoFundMe_ (http://www.gofundme.com/aoumog) .  Who knows, maybe this little one will 
be the  lucky winner of another operation....
Thanks for reading this.
Janet Adler, GC
SOFL Gotham
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