[Fredslist] may I humbly suggest..

IrisWolinsky at aol.com IrisWolinsky at aol.com
Sun Jan 12 02:20:58 EST 2014

I'll also weigh in on this.  Ages ago I sent something out  suggesting that 
critical info be stated in the subject line of emails -  particularly where 
requests are being made, and also for dates of  upcoming events.  I'm 
guessing we all cannot immediately read every  email or download every attachment 
upon  receipt.      
  Especially where work prospects & referrals are  requested, or specific 
services are sought, help others help  you by identifying the area, industry, 
specialty, or  service sought in the subject line & adding any details up  
front in the email.  If a resume or something else is attached,  consider 
pasting it into the email too.  I bet lots  more curious readers will get your 
message that way.  Just  sayin'...! 
  Very best,

In a message dated 1/10/2014 7:01:06 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
resovate at gmail.com writes:

Marc and Gotham,  

May I add another thought? This came up at the fantastic Make A  Difference 
meeting on Monday.

If you are searching for someone in a particular industry, perhaps you  
could state  

Does anyone in Gotham do x in y town/county/state?

Two reasons:

1. It allows the Gotham person to have the first chance to respond and  
help you. We Gothamites love to help!

2. Indicating where the need is located helps me to know if I can help  
you. For example, I know lots of people in CT but not so many on Long Island.  
I will see someone asking for say a home inspector. I know a great one in CT 
 but he is not going to travel to Long Island. I am much more likely to 
answer  your request if I know that I can help you! After all I don't want to 
flood  someone's inbox unnecessarily.

Thanks everyone! And thank Marc for bringing up a great way we can all  
better serve one another!

Catherine Avery
_resovateofficedesign.com_ (http://resovateofficedesign.com/) 

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