[Fredslist] Gallery for: Judy Mauer photography

Fred Klein FKlein at kleinzelman.com
Fri Aug 29 17:33:52 EDT 2014

See below. Can anyone help?

Sent from my iPhone
Fred C. Klein, Managing Partner Klein Zelman Rothermel Jacobs & Schess, LLP and Co-Founder www.gothamnetworking.com<http://www.gothamnetworking.com>.

485 Madison Ave., Room 1301, NYC, 10022, 212 935 6020

Begin forwarded message:

From: Judy Mauer <heyjudenyc at gmail.com<mailto:heyjudenyc at gmail.com>>
Date: August 29, 2014, 5:31:16 PM EDT
To: <fklein at legal.org<mailto:fklein at legal.org>>
Subject: Fwd: Judy Mauer photography

I have been interviewed for A half show on NPR - which is fantastic

The bad news is that My Gallery is closing -
I am looking for another Gallery that will be mentioned on the Air and on the eblast - see below from the producer

The eblast which is almost done and looks gorgeous.... Had it spiffed up by a graphic designer.... has your web site on it. You of course should have your dates on that, and mention link to show.
The link will be on the  24/7 on demand page and will include the date of the show in the copy describing the show. There will also be links of the show right on the eblast where people can listen immediately from the blast. You can send that all over the world.  you can also  link the show so it can be heard internationally. The night of the program it airs in New York metropolitan area at Tuesday 7:30 October 7. This will also be streamed internationally at the same time.

Access to the show  will be available 12:05 am October 6th - and stays on the air on demand - and then goes on the Public Radio exchange -
also on Jazz E news goes out to 30 thousand  High end NPR members  by email a week before.
In addition there will be on air promotion starting october 2nd - 4 times a day on air by the anchors -
a 30 second promo

So it would be a huge publicity coup for a  gallery

I can ask them to air the show october 21st or 3 weeks after that.




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