[Fredslist] a HUGE shout out to Fred, Nancy, and Benjamin Geizhals

Stoll, Gerald "Yank" Gerald.Stoll at hubinternational.com
Thu Aug 14 17:24:08 EDT 2014

As many of you already know, in the last 5 months I, in conjunction with the Mir Yeshiva, have launched a business network for the Jewish Orthodox community with the help of Mike Zeldes. Thank G-d it has been a tremendous success thus far. To date, we have had 2 events where we had to cap attendance at 300 people each! At that point I had a "problem", I felt a bit overwhelmed, how do I structure the groups, how can I accommodate the hundreds or more likely thousands of people that want to join my network, venue structures, etc. Mike suggested why reinvent the wheel? speak to Fred and hear his thoughts. Well, today Fred, Nancy, and Benjamin all sat with myself and the Mir crew for about 2 hours hearing us out while offering guidance, suggestions and ideas!
I have been in love with Gotham ever since Mike convinced me to attend a casual cocktails and I met so many amazing people and today yet again I felt so proud to be a part of Gotham and to have gotten to know the truly remarkable people who made/make this all happen! Thank you Fred, Nancy, and Benjamin you guys are amazing!

My best regards to the tribe!

Gerald Stoll

HUB International
1065 Avenue of the Americas
AKA 5 Bryant Park
New York, NY 10018

P: (212)338-2282
C: (917)836-0436
F: (917)934-9459
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