[Fredslist] For Women Only: Addicted to Stress, Feng Shui Secrets, Tea in Paris, Hollywood Gossip

Kelly Welles kelly at wellesfinancialservices.com
Thu Oct 17 20:53:40 EDT 2013

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Kelly Welles
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Kelly Welles is a Registered Representative and Investment Adviser Representative of Equity Services, Inc.,. Securities and investment advisory services are offered solely by Equity Services, Inc., 733 Third Ave., Suite 200, New York, NY 10017. Tel: 212 986-0400. Member FINRA/SIPC, Broker/Dealer and Registered Investment Advisor Affiliate of National Life Insurance Company (NLIC), Montpelier, Vermont. Welles Financial Services is independent of Equity Services, Inc.

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From: The Three Tomatoes <tomato at thethreetomatoes.com>
To: kelly at wellesfinancialservices.com 
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2013 12:08 AM
Subject: Addicted to Stress, Feng Shui Secrets, Tea in Paris, Hollywood Gossip

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October 17, 2013
Addicted to Stress, Feng Shui Secrets, Tea in Paris, Hollywood Gossip 
If you often find yourself saying, "I wish I had balance in my life", "I need rest" or "I am overwhelmed and don't know what to do", welcome to our world of stress. But while you say you wish you had balance, you may in fact be addicted to stress. Holistic health and nutrition expert, Rika Keck, shares the benefits of learning how to be still. Learning the secrets of the Feng Shui masters can help reduce stress too and offer other remedies for your life as well. Debra Duneier is sharing some of the secrets today. And really, we should all just follow Dr. Shelley Reciniello's lead and have a nice calming cup of tea, preferably in Paris, where she shares some of her favorite Paris tea spots.  And a good dose of Hollywood gossip is one of our favorite de-stressors.  Liz Smith speculates on why Charlie Hunnam dropped out of the lead role in 50 Shades of Grey - the joke around Hollywood is "he finally read the book" - and her pick for the role.  Charlotte
 Rose weighs in too on another choice to play Christian Grey.  Read on for today's highlights.
 The Secrets of the Feng Shui Masters. The intuitive art of Feng Shui offers remedies for business and personal lives to increase income, wealth, love and health.  Well listen up Tomatoes. Feng Shui and Eco Chi expert Debra Duneier is sharing one of the secrets of the masters with us - a core principal of Feng Shui that is often overlooked in the western world.   Read on and you just may get exactly what you ask for! 
 Tea in Paris. Dr. Shelley Recineiello's ongoing 3T series on tea and civility has struck a positive chord with Tomatoes.  The art of tea and conversation soothes the soul, calms stress, and engages people in civil conversations. Perhaps our politicians should be serving tea instead of rancor? But we digress. Dr. Shelley continues to share some of her favorite tea places around the world and today it's tea in Paris.  While you may associate coffee with Paris, Dr. Shelley says the French have a long and respectful relationship with tea and have some of the most venerable houses of tea in the world that provide tea and tea accoutrements of the highest quality. Read on. 
 Are You Addicted To Stress?  Do you feel that your life is on a treadmill - it keeps going, pulls you with it and certainly lacks the 'pause' button!  Today, life operates in the "NYC Minute'. It is about how to get it done, fast and efficiently as there is always a next thing 'to do'! It is this constant 'busy-ness' that keeps our hormones and brain in a revved up state. Being in stress mode is called the "Fight or Flight Response' and it results in an inflammatory hormonal and chemical cascade inside your body. And according to Rika Keck, holistic nutrition, health and fitness expert, some of us are actually addicted to stress.  Read on for Rika's mind-body perspective for your health!
The Three Tomatoes
©2013. The Three Tomatoes. All rights reserved.
You know you're a Tomato if... 
you've lost count of the number of times a day you walk into a room and then wonder why you're there. Blame it on the brain fog.    

Valerie Smaldone reviews Broadway, NYC nightlife, and much more.  

Liz Smith shares her usual fun celebrity gossip and more today.    
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