[Fredslist] Building a team of professionals for Leo...

Shelley Simpson simpson.shelley at gmail.com
Fri May 24 14:06:06 EDT 2013

Leo and his family live in Syracuse, NY.  He has Cerebral Palsy and is
quadriplegic.  Needless to say there are many challenges that Leo's parents
face in raising him.  Friends and family raised money for his wheelchair.
He speaks through a computer. Leo is smart and he is adorable - just a
regular kid with special needs.

I have been able to help on a few things, but right now I am looking for
Gotham's help connecting Leo and his parents to someone who can help answer
questions about special education issues - the parents are in the midst of
negotiating Leo's IEP at the moment.

Perhaps the most important thing is that they desperately need financial
advice about how to plan for the future with very limited funds.  I would
love to see Gotham rally around this family. Who do we know who can help in
these areas?

Shelley Simpson

Sent on the go from my iPad
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