[Fredslist] Who's in for Princeton?!?

Erin Ardleigh EArdleigh at wassociatesny.com
Tue Mar 12 12:58:27 EDT 2013

I am! This is a great group and a terrific restaurant...come check it


Erin Ardleigh

Wechsler Associates, Inc.


eardleigh at wassociatesny.com



From: Joshua Zinder [mailto:jzinder at joshuazinder.com] 
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 9:15 PM
To: 'Freds List' (fredslist at gothamnetworking.com)
Subject: [Fredslist] I wish, I wanted, I tried



So I have heard the comments over and over again....

"I wish I would get to Gotham Princeton but it is too hard during the

"I wanted to go to your last event but had to get back to a meeting, 

"I tried to get to your last event but in the end......"


Well here is your opportunity!!!! Once a year Gotham Princeton has a
DINNER event it is March 22 which is a Friday so you do not even have to
get up for work the next day!!!


For those of you who only do Gotham dinners this one is for you!!! Ride
the circuit!

For those of you who are in the posse this one is for you!!!! Ride the

For those of you who have friends and family you want to introduce to
Gotham in NJ but can never get out during the day to escort them....this
one is for you!!!!  Ride the circuit!

For those of you that are Green...our restaurant is Certified Green!!!
Ride the circuit!

For all those reasons and sooooo many more ride the circuit to Gotham


Friday, March 22 7:15-9:00 PM or later for more networking

Eno Terra 
4484 Rt. 27 
Kingston, NJ 

Cost:  $35 per person


Please Join us It's not too late to sign up. Payment cannot be made at
the door, but it is easy on the Gotham website. Click on the link below:



Please feel free to bring your friends and business associates!


For more information, please email Suzanne, our Group Coordinator, at
suzanneneilson at comcast.net


Hope to see you there.





Joshua Zinder, AIA, LEED AP, NCARB 

20 Nassau Street, Suite 25
Princeton, New Jersey 08542
T:609.924.5004 F:609.924.5008
www.joshuazinder.com <http://www.joshuazinder.com/> 


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