[Fredslist] Best kept secret in Vegas

Joshua Zinder jzinder at joshuazinder.com
Tue Jun 25 15:37:47 EDT 2013

Now that I look at the subject line I just wrote this email can go lots of directions..... All kidding aside as many of you know i am in vegas fairly often for work and my typical visit consists of staring at the blank wall of a windowless conference room.  Yesterday I had an extended break between meetings and so I followed a friends suggestion and went to Louis Vuitton  not to buy but rather see an art installation by James Turell. This work of art alters your perception of time, space, color, and well our own plain of reality. IT IS A DO NOT MISS FOR ANYONE GOING TO VEGAS.  You need to make a reservation it is at Louis Vuitton at city center shops to make a reservation call 702-730-3150 ask for Jessica or Jerome. Take 30 minutes and blow your mind!! 

All the best,

Joshua Zinder

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