[Fredslist] Justice Will be Served One Week from Today at Gotham Golf Outing

Doug Mauch dmauch at lissgroup.com
Tue Jun 4 09:18:38 EDT 2013

I am not getting involved in this battle!!! But your swing did look great !

Sent from my iPad

On Jun 3, 2013, at 8:00 PM, "scleary at productivehealth.com<mailto:scleary at productivehealth.com>" <scleary at productivehealth.com<mailto:scleary at productivehealth.com>> wrote:

I have a correction, the verbal assaults were slanderous; it was the written statement about moi being a DUFFER that was  libelous... It must have been one of those blonde moments. Don't worry, I will have my head on straight, just like my golf shots next Monday. Maybe my golf pro, Gotham Downtown member and Technology Consultant, Doug Mauch will weigh in on the shots I was making after a very short lesson with him last week.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Fredslist] Justice Will be Served One Week from Today at
Gotham Golf Outing
From: <scleary at productivehealth.com<mailto:scleary at productivehealth.com>>
Date: Mon, June 03, 2013 3:55 pm
To: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com<mailto:fredslist at gothamnetworking.com>

Hello Gotham,

Oh yes, one week from now there will be a new "FAMOUS GOTHAM DUFFER."

As hundreds of you have witnessed over the last 3 years I have been a target of libelous verbal assaults
by FK. He has seized every opportunity he could just when I would be ready to give my elevator speech at any Gotham lunch to spew his ad homonym and unfounded attacks stating that I am not only a "Duffer" but he has dubbed me with some kind of title as the "Worst Gotham Golfer". He even put it in print in the Gotham Golf Flyer! (Perhaps I should consult with one of the Israeloff Legal Group Members regarding my legal position?)

As an inexperienced golfer I do not claim to be a great golfer by any stretch. However, I played in Fred's foursome 3 years ago. For all of his athletic splendor in baseball, swimming, running etc.; let's just say that you may see Fred on the golf course but you will NOT see him playing anything that even resembles golf. It is true, he is REALLY, REALLY that bad at golf.

Fred finally accepted  my challenge to see who should really have the title of the

Fred said in an email recently that he was going to "crush me" and said this will be a show down of "EPOCH proportions". I just love this trash talk as it will just make my victory that much sweeter.

The terms of competition have been signed off on by Phil Smallman,esq who si playing in our foursome and will be the reporter of the results. As an officer of the court, he is sworn to see that there are no shenanigans and or secret mulligans...

Since it is a Scramble format, the competition is between Fred and me to who see which of us has our shot used as "best ball" more times for the round. Who ever that is, will NOT BE THE MOST FAMOUS DUFFER OF GOTHAM!

I can hardly wait to see you all next Monday at the Annual Bob Formica Golf Outing! It's worth coming for the cocktail party and elaborate dinner buffet in a picture perfect setting even if you aren't a golfer.

Best 'till then,

Susan Cleary
Co-Chair Downtown Gotham

PS :I ordered Mimosa's for the Brooklyn Power Group Breakfast where I'll be celebrating in my "Home Borough"  by Riding the Circuit Wednesday, June 12! You can sign up now to party, (I mean network, of course )with us there, too! Peter Kettle and Corey Bearak always produce great meetings and super breakfast too!

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