[Fredslist] Make a Difference in Gotham!

Susan Zinder szinder at zinderlaw.com
Mon Jan 28 17:19:16 EST 2013

The Make a Difference group is meeting on Monday, February 4 for lunch.

Why not come and ride the circuit?  You think you don't want to network with
not-for-profits ­ guess what?  Many of them have profits (aka operating
margins) and they need your services!!!

We're a young, exciting and growing group ­ come join us and make a
difference in Gotham


P.S.  Don't forget to rsvp through the website or email me that you're

Susan Zinder

Law Offices of Susan F. Zinder, PLLC.
1140 Avenue of the Americas, 9th Floor
New York, New York 10036

(o) 646-380-6715
(c) 917-370-3369
szinder at zinderlaw.com


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