[Fredslist] Last Call for Dinner Group Mtg on Tues 1/29!

Erin Ardleigh EArdleigh at wassociatesny.com
Thu Jan 24 12:51:22 EST 2013

Come help us kick off another great year at Gotham Dinner! We have over
30 people signed up for our first meeting next Tuesday, 1/29. (Fresh
fish, Networkers of the Year, Hinterlanders....they'll all be there!)
We're an open group so everyone is welcome.


But...if you want to be included in our fabulous and very detailed
networking handout, you must sign up no later than tomorrow, FRIDAY


Sign up online:


Hope to see you there!


Happy Networking!


Erin Ardleigh, Dinner Group Coordinator

Wechsler Associates, Inc.


eardleigh at wassociatesny.com




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