[Fredslist] FW: Thank you Make a Difference Group!

Susan Zinder szinder at zinderlaw.com
Mon Jan 7 17:25:21 EST 2013

And don't forget that our next meeting is Monday February 4  - - Please go
to the website and rsvp that you are joining us!

We'd love to see you around our table!

Susan, and the rest of the MAD group!

Susan Zinder

Law Offices of Susan F. Zinder, PLLC.
1140 Avenue of the Americas, 9th Floor
New York, New York 10036

(o) 646-380-6715
(c) 917-370-3369
szinder at zinderlaw.com


From:  Shelley Simpson <simpson.shelley at gmail.com>
Date:  Monday, January 7, 2013 5:01 PM
To:  "fredslist at gothamnetworking.com" <fredslist at gothamnetworking.com>
Subject:  [Fredslist] Thank you Make a Difference Group!

Big thank you to the make a Difference Group!  We had a lovely meeting -
great conversation and really interesting guests including a photographer
from Boston who has a book of stunning photos from Africa and a player from
the NFL who has a blogging enterprise designed to shine a light on the good
things that are going on in the world. Looking at what we all do every day
both for work and play with an eye towards how it impacts the lives of
others was enlightening.  So if you are in search of an opportunity to make
a difference in the world or to support others  who are committed to making
a difference check out Gotham MAD group when they meet next month.  And
bring a guest so they too have a chance to be part of it too.
Shelley Simpson
http://www.ssimpsonjuiceplus.com <http://www.ssimpsonjuiceplus.com/>
https://ssimpson.towergarden.com <https://ssimpson.towergarden.com/>

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