[Fredslist] FW: Josh Gives Me Chills Too

Susan Zinder szinder at zinderlaw.com
Sat Jan 5 18:54:32 EST 2013

SoŠI must agree with Josh that Gotham gives and keeps giving to me as well
- since gathering a list of what we've gotten from Gotham ­ here is mine (in
no particular order)

1. My decorator and good friend, Michele Sayres (Michele is no longer with
Gotham, but she was and is a great decorator and friend)
2. A stylist I worked with, Sandi Kaufman (also a former Gotham member)
3. Excellent legal advice and work from Nancy Schess when I was in-house and
we needed to conduct a couple of highly sensitive H.R. investigations
4. The first client of my private law practice (a referral from Phyllis
5. New friends, and good friends, too numerous to count
6. Constant lessons in networking, business development and relationships,
all of which I have needed given how deeply shy I really am
7. My marketing person (Steven Skyles ­ Mulligan)
8. Opportunities to mentor and be mentored
9. Insurance from Erin Ardleigh
10. Computer advice from both Raj Goel and Danny Mizrahi
11. Contacts regarding post secondary Autism Spectrum Disorder programs
which were urgently needed by a loved one for his teenage daughter
12.  More medical referrals than I could ever count.
13. Lots of fun!

The satisfaction of seeing my brother Josh professionally in action work a
room.  I've seen his architecture and have known for years he is a brilliant
architect ­ but better than that is what I have learned from watching him in
Gotham. On this subject there is much more I could say, but I will say it
just to Josh.

I know this is only a partial list.  Also, make no mistake, the list has
grown much larger in the past 2 years since I've increased my involvement

SoŠ thanks to Fred and Nancy for changing my life!

Yes, Gotham is worth your money, your time, and your involvement.

Susan Zinder

Law Offices of Susan F. Zinder, PLLC.
1140 Avenue of the Americas, 9th Floor
New York, New York 10036

(o) 646-380-6715
(c) 917-370-3369
szinder at zinderlaw.com


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