[Fredslist] Looking for a used camera to take pictures at sporting events

Stephen Michel stevem671 at aol.com
Sat Jan 5 14:49:24 EST 2013

Hi All

My Athletic Director wants to take pictures at various school sporting events, such as Football, Baseball, Basketball, Soccer and Track. He wants to post them on-line and print them out. Does anyone have an used camera they no longer want? If you wish to donate, I can give you a tax receipt. Or we can try and purchase. Because of the different events he wants to take pictures at, it should be able to take a telephoto lens. Ideally it should come with one, but it is not a deal breaker, since I can look for a used one on E-Bay. 

Below is my school contact information.

Thanks in advance.

Stephen Michel
Director of Finance
Cardinal Hayes High School
650 Grand Concourse
Bronx, NY 10451
smichel at cardinalhayes.org
718-292-6100  X139
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