[Fredslist] Snowbird memories

Joshua Zinder jzinder at joshuazinder.com
Sun Feb 24 16:30:30 EST 2013

So as I leave snowbird heading down the valley regretfully the first to leave our party, I am struck with a series of images and stories of the long weekend I thought I would share with you.

1. Paul meeting a new friend and a fresh fish while trying to get on a van from the airport.
2. 6-8inches fresh snow first day
3. Our group gathered for dinner fist night Mexican food!
4. Another 6 inches second day
5. Steak house dinner second day
6. Snow like you have never seen snow.... The third day...off the wall!
7. Panic as I realize I dropped my phone somewhere on the mountain under all that snow.
8. Sitting in a hot tub with 1/2" of snow gathering in our hair.
9. Shock surprise when they tell me they found my phone on the mountain yes remarkably it still works.... Apparently someone fell on it and so they turned it in.... Crazy!! 
10. Wonderful massages!
11. Waiting for our check last night.....and waiting and waiting....but don't worry like any good Gotham group we got a discount for waiting.
12. This morning chasing new Gotham member Damian, His friend kamile, Paul, and fresh fish Alan down the mountain through 20 yes 20 inches of u groomed untouched powder it was off the wall!!! 
14. Mountain wedgies for fellow gothamites....
15. meeting up with Susan and Victoria for a last run, one last massage and now to the airport!

I am sure you will all see photos but there is nothing like it. We will be coming back next year hope you can join us!

And for susan, Victoria, Paul, Marty,Kathy,Alan, Damian, and kamile I had a great time I hope to see you next year!!!! And sooner at Gotham events!

All the best!


Joshua Zinder

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