[Fredslist] Gotham Spotlight: Lou Camhe

fklein at legal.org fklein at legal.org
Fri Feb 15 13:54:35 EST 2013

I am also a satisfied customer and agree with Justin. 

Additionally, Lou's company has been a donor to the Gotham Foundation. Thanks all around!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: Justin Bonus <justin.bonus at gmail.com>
Sender: "fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com"
	<fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com>
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2013 18:01:04 
To: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com<fredslist at gothamnetworking.com>
Subject: [Fredslist] Gotham Spotlight: Lou Camhe


I already gave Lou a shout out a while ago, but he deserves another one.  A true Gothamite, everyone should get to know Lou.  He's approachable, personable, and, more importantly, he's a good man.  He's also saved my family hundreds of dollars on their gas and electric bill already, and they've only been with U.S. Gas & Electric for about 2 months!  Lou is keeping me in the good graces of my family while I start my business.  You can contact Lou at lcamhe at usgande.com<mailto:lcamhe at usgande.com> and the link to his website is http://www.usgande.com/markets/usgande/Enrollment.aspx?redirectEnc=MHwyM3x8fDF8.  Not only are you getting a deal, but your account supports Gotham Gives Back!


Justin Bonus
The Predators' Ball Ent.
35 Midbridge Drive
Medford, NJ 08055

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