[Fredslist] GRAND OPENING GALA, SAT MARCH 2 | Suffolk Theater

Shelley Berkoski shelley.berkoski at lipennysaver.com
Sat Feb 9 17:48:23 EST 2013

The Suffolk Theater is having their Grand Opening Gala on Sat, March 2.  The Theme is "back to the 30's"  |  6PM-midnight or after party 9-12.  For more information [http://www.suffolktheater.com] www.suffolktheater.com. I will be there so if you are going please let me know.  I would love to meet you.  It will be a historic and memorable event, and a great networking opportunity.  Shelley Berkoski | All Island Media | Pennysaver | Trends  631-750-2148
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