[Fredslist] Marc Halpert and Vik Rajan - THANK YOU!!!!!

GURMEET SODHI sodhig at gurmeetsodhi.com
Mon Feb 4 13:27:09 EST 2013

HUGE SHOUT OUT to Marc Halpert and Vik Rajan.  I recently needed some help
with Linkedin and email merging.  I sent an email on Fredslist and ofcourse
I connected with our Linkedin Guru - Marc Halpert and Email guru - Vik
Rajan.  If you haven't had a chance to pick Marc's brains about this great
social media site....you are missing out on a lot.  He explains everything
with such ease and makes it all so simple for you.  THANK YOU Marc for your
help.  (FYI - best time to talk to him is when he's on a long drive....try
it and you'll know why J).


Vikram Rajan (a/k/a Vik) is great with his expertise on mail mergers.  I was
confused and battling with some issues for a while and after connecting with
him, lets just say I am "almost" a whiz at mail merging within accounts.
Vik, really knows his stuff.  In todays day and age where we say "time is
money", he was generous enough to offer to meet and explain to me how to
synchronize my mails, for no charge.  This is the Gotham spirit of giving.
I guess he has had the cool aid as Fred says.


Thanks again to them both for helping me and making life simpler in some



Gurmeet K. Sodhi

Talk Show Host

Ph: 516-662-5215

Fax: 516-232-9007

 <http://www.gurmeetsodhi.com/> www.gurmeetsodhi.com


 <http://www.facebook.com/GurmeetKSodhi> www.facebook.com/GurmeetKSodhi

urmeetKSodhi&utm_content=142380690506391552&ref=nf> @GurmeetKSodhi on



 Trailer of our upcoming Documentary Film:

Soil in Debt (Mitti Karz Di) -  <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ79vQAj5MA>





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