[Fredslist] Client looking to get a commercial Real Estate loan

christine.finocchio at ubs.com christine.finocchio at ubs.com
Thu Aug 15 17:51:44 EDT 2013

Hello Gotham,

My team at UBS does not do loans of this size.  Investment property 1.6
million putting down 800k and would like to borrow 800k.  15 unit
property in New Jersey.

Would like to hear from who you would refer or if you do the biz please
reach out.

Thank you,

Crystal Consulting Group

Christine Finocchio
Financial Advisor

333 Earle Ovington Blvd., Ste 600
Uniondale, NY  11553-9323
Fax 516-222-8110
Toll Free: 800-333-7707  ext 8814
christine.finocchio at ubs.com

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