[Fredslist] Google's court filing - Cloud users have no legitimate expectations of Privacy

Raj Goel, CISSP raj at brainlink.com
Wed Aug 14 23:05:27 EDT 2013

I've been saying for almost a decade that cloud providers don't care about
user privacy, and Google's real motto is "Don't be evil.  That's OUR job".


After years of bragging about their privacy policies, commitment to privacy,
etc., here's what Google submitted to the courts yesterday:


"Just as a sender of a letter to a business colleague cannot be surprised
that the recipient's assistant opens the letter, people who use web-based
email today cannot be surprised if their emails are processed by the
recipient's [email provider] in the course of delivery," the motion


"Indeed, 'a person has no legitimate expectation of privacy in information
he voluntarily turns over to third parties.'"




This is Google's official position.


I'll let you determine whether this vendor should be trusted with your data.


My prediction:  Expect similar court filings by Facebook, Yahoo, Microsoft,
Amazon, Apple, Rackspace, etc.



Rajesh Goel, CISSP 
cell (917) 685-7731 
CTO: Brainlink International, Inc. 
raj at brainlink.com 
 <http://www.brainlink.com> www.brainlink.com 
 <http://www.linkedin.com/in/rajgoel> www.linkedin.com/in/rajgoel
 <http://www.rajgoel.com> www.rajgoel.com
You run your business, and leave the IT to us.
Author of "The Most Important Secrets To Getting Great Results From IT"


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