[Fredslist] Thank you Bruce and Grande Harvest Wine!

Elana Bertram of Hawley Legal Resources, LLC attorneybertram at hawleylegalresources.com
Thu Aug 8 14:08:29 EDT 2013

I have to second the kudos -- Bruce and his team was able to get me a
specific vintage of rose champagne in time to toast at my wedding, prepared
and packed for shipping in beautiful reusable cloth carriers.  And it was

~Elana A. Bertram, Esq.

-----Original Message-----
From: Erin Ardleigh [mailto:erin at erinardleigh.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 7:43 PM
To: FredsList
Subject: [Fredslist] Thank you Bruce and Grande Harvest Wine!

While running around midtown, I remembered that I needed to pick up wine for
a dinner party. How convenient to pop into Grand Central and visit the shop
of a fellow Gotham member. And how nice to get a Gotham discount on 2 nice
bottles of sparkling wine!

Erin Ardleigh
Erin at ErinArdleigh.com

Typed on my grammatically challenged iphone...please excuse any typos!

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