[Fredslist] Laptops - choosing the best one for you

Steve Levy Steve at pinpointcomputer.com
Thu Aug 1 21:12:39 EDT 2013

It's easier to buy a car then a laptop computer.
Questions to be answered prior to purchase:
1) How powerful of a laptop do you really need? What are you going to be using it for? Are you a power user that has many programs open at once?
2) portability and screen size:
Screen sizes range from 11 inches to 17 inches. The larger the screen size the more weight that the computer will have.

3) are you comfortable with Windows 8? Most people that I speak to do not like it. You can still get an Excellent laptop with windows 7 on it if you know how to go about it.


Rather than choosing from a handful of laptops that may not be appropriate for your use, it's better to choose something that specifically is suited for your needs.

Please contact me for more information on a name brand Laptop That you will be happy with.
I do not sell them but I can advise you on what will be good for you.

Steve Levy
Pinpoint Computer Services
"We get Your Computers Running right"

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