[Fredslist] LinkedIn Question

Jeanne Brutman jeanne at jeannebrutman.com
Fri Apr 19 12:23:13 EDT 2013

Hi Friends!
I have on average 6 people viewing my Linkedin profile everyday.  Is there an Analytics system for LinkedIn to find out what they are viewing etc?
Please respond directly to me...
Sincerely, Jeanne Brutman 

Jeanne Brutman LUTCF, CFBS, CFS, CLTC, CLU 

Please free free to email me for: 1. Requests for cookies, mailed or in person... 
2. Bad jokes to give or receive... 3. Referrals to Organizations, Companies or Business Groups that need a dynamic speaker (Me!)... 
4. To ask a Financial Question / Concern if any sort I may be able to answer... 
5. Referrals to other great people for networking, alliances or new clients! 
Mission Statement:  Others first 
Warmly, Jeanne Brutman LUTCF, CFBS, CFS, CLTC 

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