[Fredslist] Networking in the Dark - South Floridians

Robert robert at barterluxury.com
Fri Apr 5 11:35:46 EDT 2013

Hello Gotham,
Yesterday evening we had our first Gotham South Florida networking
meeting in the DARK.
Rainstorms, darkness, thunder, tornado winds and lack of electrical
power cannot stop these chatty irrepressible South Floridian Gothamites
from still networking.
We met at a restaurant had a lovely table and server just for us. About
eight of us had arrived and began talking when the power went out.
Everyone was escorted by the door but we stayed at our table and just
kept talking and getting to know each other. We even insisted to the
server that we were fine and she certainly could get us some beverages
while the storm raged on. But lack of electricity and company policy
forbade her to get us more drinks and stay.
Finally the Manager moved our very chatty and cheerful group out of the
building and on to the sidewalk where we continued to chat exchange
business cards and finally said our goodbyes.
My CO-Chair Richard Gaines and newcomer General Contractor Lee Seligman
went to a retro diner that had power and had some dinner and a very
lively conversation. Richard a native to South Florida has been the Pied
Piper leading clients, colleagues and friends to the Gotham meetings.
His very positive experience of working with Gothamites from the
Northeast has inspired him to let everyone he can know about Gotham.
So I declare the meeting a success despite Mother Nature's antics.
Several new people want to a trial of Fred's List and are intrigued by
our unique way of networking.
Our next meeting will be in late May and we hope that you or any friends
or business colleagues that will be in South Florida will join this new
and unstoppable 'Gotham Group.
Remember when you need help with anything in Florida reach out to us and
let us do our best.

Robert Esposito

Barter Luxury Marketing, Inc.

robert at barterluxury.com


tel 954-530-5862

fax 646 417-6072


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