[Fredslist] Welcome New Commerce Member Shelley Simpson!

Erin Ardleigh EArdleigh at wassociatesny.com
Tue Sep 18 17:56:34 EDT 2012

Shelley Simpson joined the Commerce Group this summer. Please join me in
welcoming her to Gotham!


Shelley is the owner of a JuicePlus+ Franchise.  She uses her skills and
experience as a lawyer, an educator, and health policy lobbyist in her
business.  She is passionate about helping people improve their quality
of life; and her goal is to empower them to take control of their health
and not rely on hope for prevention.  


Shelley appreciates that Gotham is an opportunity to develop a network
of friends and colleagues with whom to share resources that extend
beyond business. She is eager to meet people with kids in their world -
healthy kids grow into healthy adults!  She is also interested in
meeting people who want to maintain or improve their quality of life as
well as the health and the wellness professionals they turn to for help,
like naturopathic doctors, health coaches, chiropractors,
acupuncturists, massage therapists and trainers. 


Please connect with Shelley and see how you can help one another:

simpson.shelley at gmail.com <mailto:simpson.shelley at gmail.com> 






Erin Ardleigh, Commerce Group Coordinator

Wechsler Associates, Inc.


eardleigh at wassociatesny.com


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