[Fredslist] Fwd: Learn The Art of Networking

Craig Delsack cdelsack at nyccounsel.com
Fri Oct 12 14:46:10 EDT 2012

Gothamites - If you haven't attended one of Lyle Katz's seminars, here is your last chance to attend his seminar before you trick-or-treat for new prospects this Halloween.  Well worth the time!  See below or click this link https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?llr=9obka7dab&oeidk=a07e6gimbmf24940049&oseq=a01lqgtoesg2m

All the best,

Craig Delsack
Law Offices of Craig Delsack, LLC
Corporate ● Technology ● Media ● Internet ● Entertainment ● Real Estate
600 Madison Avenue, 22nd Floor
New York, NY 10022-1615
(Note: new address as of November 1, 2012:
250 W. 57th Street, Suite 401
New York, NY 10107)
Tel. (212) 688-8944
Fax. (212) 753-4530
Email: CDelsack at NYCCounsel.com
Website, Videos and Blog: www.NYCCounsel.com
Starting a Business? Visit www.FixedFeeStartupLawyer.com
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Learn The Art of Networking
Gerstein Fisher
565 Fifth Ave at 46th Street
27th Floor
New York, NY 10017

Driving Directions

Thursday October 25, 2012 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM EDT
Add to my calendar
"Lyle is the best networker I've ever met.  He is generous with a great sense of humor.   It doesn't feel like networking with Lyle; it's more like brainstormingopportunities."
Craig Delsack
"Lyle truly practices what he preaches. It is not only great to know Lyle, but it is great to watch him network and to learn from him. He is the true definition of one that likes to give."
Jayne Latz
"Lyle Katz has an array of contacts at all levels and in all industries. If you need to grow your business, Lyle will assist you in being successful as he has done for me."
 Elaine Heyda
"I not only reconnected with an attorney client, but was referred to a CPA, met some real gems and left with cards for four new centers of influence."  What's more, the evening felt like play, not work."
 Kelly Welles
Dear Craig, 

The feedback received about this presentation has been very positive and I'm delighted to host another one in October.

Sign up today so that you'll have access to this
valuable information.
"As Gotham's 2006 co-networker of the year, having taken Lyle's Art of Networking Seminar tonight, I think it should be required curriculum for every Gothamite who wants to take their networking to the next level. Lyle's seminar takes you on a fun and memorable spin through the tool chest of an artful networker complete with exercises. All in just two compact info-filled hours.  What do you gain? The building blocks of a Master Networker including social insight (networking is not about YOU); scripting strategies to engage more productive, satisfying and results-driven  conversation and deliverables such as more profitability and fulfillment."
Kelly Welles 
Chair Diversity 
Recipient 2006 Gotham co-networker of the year
Founding Lefty Group Member 
Gotham Hall of Fame
In today's competitive business environment, networking is the single most valuable skill you can have.
Secrets To Effective Networking Techniques, Skills and Strategies
Attend this valuable seminar.  In it, you will learn how to get the most out of networking and how to build your networking toolbox.

Also, you will:
Develop your NETWORKING STRATEGY for the next 3 months
Learn to meet people effortlessly and build relationships fast
Learn how to become the most valuable person in the room
Learn how to effectively network in any situation and build your networking confidence 
 Who should attend: 
People who want to grow their business through networking
People who don't feel their networking groups are working for them
Good networkers who want to become great networkers
The fee for this important event is only $50 when you sign up now ($75 after October 18th and at the door) and when you bring three guests, you attend for free!  Light refreshments and wine will be served!

A money back guarantee. If the skills and knowledge you learn do not enable you to get one new client in the six months, I will refund your money!

If your networking group is not providing you with solid leads or if you simply want to grow your referral network, attend my seminar and learn the secrets to effective networking techniques, skills and strategies. 

Click now on the link below to register.
Register Now!
I can't make it
If you have any questions about the event or on how to register, please contact Lyle Katz at 917-757-7466 or at lyle.katz at yahoo.com.
I look forward to seeing you at my seminar and sharing with you the secrets to effective networking!
Lyle Katz
lyle.katz at yahoo.com 
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