[Fredslist] Gotham Magic Last Night

Erin Ardleigh EArdleigh at wassociatesny.com
Thu Oct 11 12:31:47 EDT 2012

WOW, what a DINNER we had last night!


Vik Rajan and Raj Goel entertained us by delivering each other's
elevator pitches. Their impersonations had the whole room laughing
hysterically! Rumor has it that this will be a recurring feature at
Dinner ;)


Then my guest Scott Levine shocked us all by volunteering to donate the
last $150 that the Gotham Foundation needed in order to reach our lofty
goal of $15,000! As most of you know, this means that 3 worthy charities
will be awarded grants AND that Raj will dye his hair RED! And since Raj
cannot be at the Holiday Cocktail party on 12/4 to show off his new
look, Scott volunteered to print a life size cut out of Raj! 


Scott embodies the Gotham spirit that it is better to give than to
receive. Let's show him that what comes around, goes around! Scott is
the owner of Minuteman Press in Bellrose and can help with printing
(anything from business cards to life-size Raj's) as well as direct mail
and marketing. I hope you will reach out to him at
scott at minutemanbellerose.com and learn more about his services at

We look forward to welcoming him as an official Gotham member very soon!


And guess how I met Scott? Riding the circuit, of course!


Come visit Gotham Dinner's last meeting of 2012 on Wednesday 11/14 and
have your picture taken with 'Raj' at the Holiday Party on 12/4!




Erin Ardleigh, Dinner Group Coordinator & Circuit Riding Posse Sherrif

Wechsler Associates, Inc.


eardleigh at wassociatesny.com


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