[Fredslist] a BIG thank you for finding a nutritionist in Hong Kong

Katalin Goencz katalin at medbillsassist.com
Tue Oct 9 23:26:39 EDT 2012

Last week I sent out a request to get a referral for a nutritionist for my
client, who lives in Hong Kong.


At first I have received responses for local referrals, but then a few came
in for Hong Kong. 


To help me along the way, in my search,  Fred stepped in and forwarded my
email to Kenneth Stuart who has international connections. 


All in all I have received several wonderful recommendations along with
their contact information.

I would like to thank Kenneth Stuart,  Lawrence D. Sprung, Carol Greenwald
and for all the valuable contacts. 


My client is amazed with her referrals and already made an appointment
today. She decided to go with an NYU trained dietitian. 

Katalin Goencz CIC
Medical Reimbursement Specialist
MedBillsAssist  a division of O&K Consulting

1127 High Ridge Rd # 261

Stamford, CT 06905
Phone: 203-569-7610 

Cell: 203.570.3904
Fax: 203.973.0367
katalin at medbillsassist.com


Check out our blog at http://blogs.medbillsassist.com/

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