[Fredslist] Hello Hinterlands!

Erin Ardleigh EArdleigh at wassociatesny.com
Wed Oct 3 10:50:01 EDT 2012

Lucas Meyer, Cheri Elferis and I just attended the Fairchester Real Estate Group in Danbury, CT. Steve Kirschner and Lucas ran a wonderful meeting that had at least 20 fresh fish! If you want to meet new people eager to network, put this group on your calendar! There were architects, contractors, developers, accountants, attorneys and many other professionals. Go see for yourself what the Hinterlands has to offer!


Erin Ardleigh
Circuit Riding Posse Sherrif
Wechsler Associates, Inc. 
555 Madison Ave., 21 Floor
New York, NY 10022
eardleigh at wassociatesny.com

Typed on my grammatically challenged iphone...please excuse any typos!

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