[Fredslist] Summer Camp job opening

Jill Tipograph/Everything Summer jill at everythingsummer.com
Tue Oct 2 13:07:39 EDT 2012

I am trying to help a premier Northeast, overnight camp and director find a
great female head counselor. If you know anyone who could be interested,
please share this with them:


Premier overnight, coed summer camp (located 2 hours from NYC and
Philadelphia) looking for exceptional key female leader, head
counselor/assistant director for summer position with the potential for
full-time growth. Must have overnight camp experience, camp spirit, and a
great sense of humor! Prior experience working with children is a must.
Competitive salary and children's tuition included (if applicable). Please
send resume or detailed list of experience to thinksummercamp at gmail.com


PS great way for a mom to 'fund' her kids camp tuition too!


Jill Tipograph 
Everything Summer, LLC

>From Camp to College ... and Beyond 

 <mailto:jill at everythingsummer.com> jill at everythingsummer.com 
 <http://www.everythingsummer.com/> www.everythingsummer.com 
Author of  <http://www.everythingsummer.com/guide.htm> Your Everything
Summer Guide & Planner 
Professional Member, Independent Educational Consultants Association

Connect with me on:
 <http://twitter.com/jilltipograph> Twitter 



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