[Fredslist] Fwd: How Could 3 Brothers Save Over 1, 200 Men, Women and Children

Danny Mizrahi dm at contangoit.com
Mon Oct 1 10:17:36 EDT 2012

Please join me for this great charity event!


 Danny Mizrahi

 p:  (212) 737-0608
 m: (516) 606-4326
 f:   (877) 737-2282

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bill Tingling <wbsnn1 at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 10:15 AM
Subject: How Could 3 Brothers Save Over 1,200 Men, Women and Children
To: dm at contangoit.com

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                             [image: WOB]
*School News Nationwide, *Inc.
*"Words of Bonds"*

                 Come and See DEFIANCE The Movie, October 30th, 2012
at  Symphony Space

*Dear Friends,*

* *

*On October 30, 2012, we are inviting you to please join Ziv Bielski, and
Sally Frishberg at Symphony Space located at 2537 Broadway and 95th Street
for the showing of the movie "DEFIANCE" staring DANIAL CRAIG (James Bond)
and LIVE SCHREIBER, written and directed by EDWARD ZWICK. "DEFIANCE" is an
inspiring TRUE STORY of the 3 Bielski brothers whose heroic resistance
saved over 1,200 Jews from the Nazi onslaught during World War II, and from
those saved people, today their off-springs have surpassed more than
25,000. The two distinctive speakers will be Ziv Bielski, the son of the
heroic leader Zus Bielski, and Sally Frishberg Holocaust Survivor.*

* *

*The purpose of this event is to help support the School News Nationwide,
"Words of Bonds" holocaust program; it's After School Programs, Combating
Bullying, Hate Crimes, and improving the student's academic skills and
projects in the New York City schools. School News Nationwide was founded
by Bill Tingling, and with the efforts of its partners i.e., Jewish
Holocaust Survivors, African American seniors, holocaust museums, public
schools, universities, local police precincts, the Italian, French, Polish,
Israeli Council General Offices, and other organizations, have helped to
educate, influence and empower thousands of youngsters to become
constructive, productive, members of society. The program nurtures active
learning to public school students, - in the areas of tolerance thus
improving the student's academic skills.*

* *

*School News Nationwide is a 501(C) 3 not for profit organization, and all
gifts and donations are tax deductible.*

* *

*Respectfully yours,*

* *

*Bill Tingling*

*Danny Mizrahi*

*Harlan Levine   *

*Click here to purchase tickets: *

*Featuring Speakers:*

*Zvi Bielski*
*Son of resistance Leader Zus*
* *
*Sally Frishburg*
*Holocaust Survivor  *


Please support this Worthy Cause by purchasing a ticket...

Call The Box office at 212-864-5400

Click here to purchase:


Please help us spread the word by


*Click Flyer for Larger Version*
Click Here<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001uztJockxEhVX3YX_-chiW_qbjzjRnnOM2A6xDzhe3SZoyIPA9xU0x_2ovDNsr2sYvf0tgWBy9Lxi6mq9z4s-nsBoISuo95YeVCNmSl8oty5yFvJrI50v6aSyGdtjGMVpsrnrrFXW7pE=>
* To View Trailer*

*Be Generous & Support our Programs*
School News Nationwide, Inc. (SNN) provides New York City students from
several Public Schools with day/after-school and summer programs that
enhance students' potential to excel academically, socially and
technologically. SNN mission through its academic, technological, and
media, is to educate, empower and influence students to become productive,
constructive members of society capable of responsible, appropriate
thoughts and actions.

                                                        *Stay Connected  *
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* Bill Tingling*  [image: Like us on

*Words of Bonds*
   [image: View our profile on

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 School News Nationwide/ Words of Bonds | 490 East 28th Street | Brooklyn |
NY | 11226
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