[Fredslist] Super Storm Sandy Town Hall Tonight

Scott Bloom Sbloom at bloomreg.com
Tue Nov 27 10:28:19 EST 2012

Is open to ANY business effected by the storm. See below.  

From Scott M. Bloom:

We did not inherit the Earth from our parents...we are borrowing it from our greatgrandchildren...   

Bloom Real Estate Group  
Office # 212-342-7444
Blackberry # 917-327-2109 

Viridian Energy-Go GREEN Wisely 

-----Original Message-----
From: EO-NY <admin at eonyc.org>
To: Scott Bloom
Sent: Mon Nov 26 09:00:16 2012
Subject: EO NY Super Storm Sandy Town Hall

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How to Persevere as an Entrepreneur Impacted by 
Super Storm Sandy 
(a "must attend" event exclusively for business owners)

Tuesday, November 27th, 5:00-7:30PM

LOCATION: Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP
750 Lexington Ave. @ 59th St., 8th Floor
Hear from Kevin Langley, Former Entrepreneurs' Organization Global Board Chair and Owner of Ellis Construction, New Orleans, about his personal journey in rebuilding his business and assisting others in rebuilding their businesses and lives in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Meet Damon Gersh, EO New York Member and Owner of Maxons Restorations, Inc., one of the leading disaster recovery firms with practical experience helping businesses rebuild including after the 9/11 attacks.

Receive support from a community of entrepreneurs who have navigated their businesses through trying times.  You do not need to deal with this alone!

Meet legal, insurance, accounting and governmental experts and hear their experiences and advice with regard to navigating the maze of information and maximizing the resources available to you during this difficult time.

Open to any affected business owner in the New York/New Jersey area.  You are encouraged to invite non-EO member Sandy impacted business owners.

 5:00-5:30PM Mix & Mingle
5:30-6:30PM Presentations & Questions
6:30 7:30PM Breakout Sessions with Fellow Entrepreneurs
RSVP HERE <mailto:bchernickyeo at optonline.net?subject=> 
Capacity: 100 - First come, first served - Must register to attend
Please email, along with your registration, any specific questions you may have or topics you would like discussed at the Town Hall.


Chapter Sponsors


Entrepreneurs Organization - New York Chapter 1001 Ave of the Americas, 12th Floor, New York NY 10018
eo at eonyc.org <mailto:eo at eonyc.org>  | www.eonyc.org <http://e2.ma/click/dzuee/xi7c7/xy7fab> 

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