[Fredslist] US Government's legal arguement on CLOUD Files

Danny Mizrahi dm at contangoit.com
Mon Nov 5 15:08:09 EST 2012

So don't put your files with a company like "megaupload" (see here for why:
http://megaupload.co <http://megaupload.com/>m).   They were criminals.
 That wasn't a real company.  There were copyright infringement animals.
 If "Goodwin" was stupid enough to put all his data with a company that was
OBVIOUSLY breaking the law in the most severe ways, then he doesn't deserve
his files back.  So the moral of the story is to make sure you know who's
cloud you're dealing with.  That's like saying if you put your files with
the Taliban, expect them to not be given back.  Yes, your files will be
gone if you give them to the Taliban and the Taliban gets killed or goes to
jail.  Good luck getting your files back.

Good thing our clients are with Rackspace, Amazon and Google.  We have
about 140 clients, and not one of them experienced one second of downtime
to their email.  We're very proud of that.  Physical servers were shut
down, Cloud Servers stayed up.

*Look at this list of companies that use Amazon's
including Netflix, Pinterest, Ericsson, Lionsgate, Nasdaq, PBS, Spotify,
Yelp, IMDB, NYU School of Medicine, Pfizer, Ticketmaster, Unilever,
Lamgorghini, and many more.*
*Look at this list of companies that use Google
including United States General Services Administration, Yale, Brown
University, Heinz, National Geographic, Orbitz, US Holocaust Museum, United
Bank and Trust, and many more.*
*Look at this list of companies that use
~40% of the Fortune 100!, Living Social, Bluetooth, Mazda, Domino's, Six
Flags, and many more.*
You're telling me all of these companies are being fooled, and their data
isn't secure?  All of these companies just lost ALL of the rights to their
data?  No wayyyyyy.

With love, hugs n kisses,


 Danny Mizrahi

 p:  (212) 737-0608
 m: (516) 606-4326
 f:   (877) 737-2282

On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 8:31 AM, Raj Goel, CISSP <raj at brainlink.com> wrote:

>  Gothamites,
>             If you are using the cloud, or planning to, you may want you
> read this -
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/11/04/eff_feds_goodwin_megaupload/
> The government arguments are that *Goodwin cannot demonstrate any
> “ownership” over the servers, since he merely paid for a service*.
> Moreover, while conceding that Goodwin might have the right to assert his
> copyright, that is “not sufficient to establish that he has an ownership
> interest in the property that is the subject of his motion – the copies of
> his data, if any, which remain on Carpathia’s servers”
> The DOJ is arguing that once you upload files to a 3rd party, you renounce
> all ownership to them.
> --Raj
> Rajesh Goel, CISSP
> cell (917) 685-7731
> CTO: Brainlink International, Inc.
> raj at brainlink.com
> www.brainlink.com
> www.linkedin.com/in/rajgoel
> www.rajgoel.com
> You run your business, and leave the IT to us.
> Author of "The Most Important Secrets To Getting Great Results From IT"
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