[Fredslist] Fw: NYWICI This Week - Hurricane Sandy Tips for help & volunteering.

Kelly Welles kelly at wellesfinancialservices.com
Thu Nov 1 23:13:39 EDT 2012

For Tribal members, relatives and friends in need, I thought you may find some of these tips helpful from NY Women in Communications.
Kelly Welles
Chair, Diversity
2006 Gotham Co-networker of the Year

Kelly Welles, President           
Trusted Advisor to Attorneys and Accountants 
Specializing in Insurance and Benefits
733 Third Avenue @46th St. Suite 200 
New York, NY 10017
Cell   917-626-8590
Business & Personal Financial Strategies

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October 30 - November 5, 2012  
Hurricane Sandy

We hope that you have weathered the hurricane well and are regaining power. Hurricane Sandy has wreaked havoc on our region and we hope that all of our members are safe and sound today. Here are some post-Sandy resources: 

To get help:  
Report downed trees to NYC Parks & Recreation  

New York Sports Clubs is offeringrelief for victims, including hot showers and a place to charge cell phones 
Receive assistance for small businesses that have been interrupted by the storm  

To donate: 
To give money to the Red Cross, visit http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001BuK8bl0r0aUuY4jYJ8smajqcLfN1bw07INnjoS0oRIL-VJMTzTuIttI5BNQQ90m8P1yGaSHuTpxIwAn-VTZ-nNAl1UbrnAems9JAexEKCyA=, call 800-Red-Cross or text the word "Redcross" to 90999 to make a $10 donation. 

Community Access is accepting food donations at its East Village Access program site at 242 East 2nd Street (between Avenue C and B) on Thursday and Friday between 10AM and 3PM. 

To volunteer: 
In New York City 

In New Jersey, call 1-800-JERSEY-7 to sign up to volunteer.  

To travel: 
Map of current MTA service 

To vote: 
An update on voting sites in the tri-state area. Don't forget to vote on Tuesday, November 6!

We know that our city is resilient and will bounce back soon. Once we have returned to normalcy, we hope you will join us for these upcoming New York Women in Communications events.   
Twitter Chat Series 

Topic - the upcoming Student Communications Career Conference.  Use #nywicichat hashtag.  *This chat was originally scheduled for Tuesday, October 30 and is rescheduled for this Monday.
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 6:30 - 8:30 PMYoung Professionals Networking Event  

Join us for conversation and networking with fellow NYWICI young professionals and friends.
Location: La Mar, 11 Madison Ave. (at 25th St.)
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 8:00 - 9:00 AMMembers-Only Industry Insider  

 Don't miss this upcoming Industry Insider event, NYWICI's members-only connection to thought leaders within our industry. Join Pepper Evans, VP, Digital Brand & Social Media Development, American Express, in conversation with Kristine Welker, VP/Chief Revenue Officer, Hearst Digital Media on the latest changes and challenges facing digital marketers today.  The discussion will include case studies, community-building techniques and more.
Location: Microsoft, 1290 Ave. of the Americas (between 51 and 52nd St.), Palace Room
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PMStudent Communications Career Conference  

 More than 50 experts in the communications industry will speak to students and young professionals in our Foundation's annual conference, sponsored by 3M. Kate White, author of I Shouldn't Be Telling You This, and former Editor in Chief, Cosmopolitan Magazine will be breakfast keynote and Jenna Wolfe, co-anchor, Sunday Edition of "Today" and "Today" Correspondent, left, will be lunch keynote. 
Location: New York University, 60 Washington Square South, at West 4th St.
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 8:30 - 10:00 AMMembers-Only Digital Salon: SEO Strategies to Increase Brand Visbility 

 Whether you're promoting your company, client, or yourself, it's crucial that your website can be found. If you don't come up at the top of a search, your audience may never find you. You will learn how to use SEO to drive traffic to your website and increase your brand's visibility. Gracey Newman, Digital Marketing Manager at MTV Networks, will facilitate.
Location: The American Society of Journalists and Authors, 1501 Broadway (between 43 and 44th), Suite 403.
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 6 - 8 PMCocktails and Conversations: New Year, New You! 

 How did last year's "New Year's Resolution" work out for you? Were you able to declutter your space, reinvent your wardrobe or establish your personal brand? Maybe not. But even if you fell short of reaching your goal in 2012, this upcoming year can be a chance for a "new you." It is never too late to make the changes you want for yourself. 

This panel, moderated by Lesley Jane Seymour, Editor-in-Chief of More Magazine, is composed of women who are experts in reinvention. From launching a new career to organizing your personal life, these accomplished speakers will give you actionable tips on how to turn over a new leaf in any aspect of your life. Please join us for an evening of inspiration and walk away ready to kick off 2013 with energy and enthusiasm.
Location: Scholastic, Inc., 557 Broadway (between Prince and Spring St.)
NYWICI Twitter Feed 
Are you following @NYWICI 
on Twitter? Check out the conversation and join us: 
@NYWICI Hope everyone is safe and sound after #Sandy

@hushsix New from @DeannaUtroske on @NYWICI's Aloud blog: Avoiding Isolation - for employees and freelancers Link 
Every Woman Should Vote 
Use the 19th Amendment and vote on Nov. 6! NYWICI member Eunic Ortiz shares her experience at the Democratic National Convention and NYWICI offers voter resources.

Renew Your Membership 
The grace period for NYWICI membership ended August 31. If you haven't renewed your membership, do it today by visiting the website or calling 212-297-2133.


 Maria UngaroExecutive Director, NYWICI
Ellery Moses, Membership Director
Meredith Taylor, Membership Coordinator

New York Women in Communications, Inc. empowers women in all communications disciplines to reach their full potential by promoting their professional growth and inspiring them to achieve and share their successes in the rapidly changing world of communications. 

© Copyright 2012, New York Women in Communications. All rights reserved. | Contact us for more information.
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