[Fredslist] Grow Your Media/ Entertainment Business: Open House Information Session June 5

Amparo Connors Amparo at alliedpersonnel.com
Tue May 29 12:34:09 EDT 2012

Hello Gotham:

Enclosed info re. the open house for a special NYC Bz.  executive training program specifically for Media/Entertainment companies. I was part of the very first class to receive a certificate for the Strategic Steps for Growth SBS-NYU program for certified M/WBE's.  I can personally attest to the excellent training I received, for a pittance, since NYC-SBS subsidized the majority of the expense.

This new program is similar but only for Media/Entertainment businesses. It will follow the same curriculum format I took, but will be taught by Al Lieberman the NYU Executive Director of the Entertainment, Media and Technology Program. After 9 months you will have a 3 year Strategic Growth Action Plan. I highly recommend relevant business owners to attend the open house and call me with any questions about the application or the program. Take advantage of the connections you will gain through the NYC Mayor's Office of Media and Entertainment, NYU, and fellow industry leaders.

Feel free to forward to any contacts that may be interested. Best of luck to all that apply; Amparo

Amparo M Connors, President
Allied Personnel Services, Inc., Green Staff NY
NY City & State Certified M/WBE
718.261.7979  ~  516.622.2305  ~  212.451.0235
amparo at alliedpersonnel.com<mailto:amparo at alliedpersonnel.com>

From: Gabrino, Ophelia [mailto:ogabrino at sbs.nyc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 12:08 PM
To: Gabrino, Ophelia
Subject: PLEASE FORWARD: Grow Your Media/ Entertainment Business: Open House Information Session June 5
Importance: High

Hello Alumni!

Please forward this new SS4G opportunity to any media/entertainment industry firms you know!
Thank you for your assistance with our recruitment!!

Warm Regards,

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>From special effects and post-production companies to
television and film boutiques...the best is Made in NYC.

Imagine how far you can take your business if given the opportunity to access resources designed specifically to help your business grow.
Look no further than our Open House on June 5 (see right column for details) to learn about the City's new business development resources available for local media and entertainment companies.

Discover the true potential of your business with Strategic Steps for Growth:

 *   Use your business as a case study to develop a real-time 3-year Strategic Growth Action Plan(tm)
 *   Network with other creative entrepreneurs and industry leaders
 *   Connect to media and entertainment business events
 *   Position your business for growth in NYC


About Strategic Steps for Growth

Strategic Steps for Growth, a nine-month business management course, specifically designed for media and entertainment firms, is offered by the Mayor's Office of Media and Entertainment (MOME), the New York City Department of Small Business Services (SBS) and New York University Leonard N. Stern School of Business' Berkley Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation.

This education program provides entrepreneurs an opportunity to gain knowledge and experience through classes, the study of real-life business cases and advice from industry leaders and other entrepreneurs.  For more information about this program and application eligibility criteria, visit www.nyc.gov/strategicsteps<http://www.nyc.gov/strategicsteps>.



June 5, 2012

6 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Be the first to get started and meet the program instructor, NYU Professor   Al Lieberman<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001ve1CccQIQOk3327Ar6N8E9abQff84gwUM60bJgey692Z8ScnIoKz6Da4qxd1ReN8V4UT88IB4Zl4KBaUwu7iAn5oC_xKf_Q8iPZu3yCq0sAgBr8NKK9cfT9lFMFCP7_63x9lgmO9OKtz5pOq789kVGsX_XY5hU46>, and NYC Mayor's Office of Media and Entertainment Commissioner Katherine Oliver.<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001ve1CccQIQOl9REAMj3FnUpXMWR4Ct35FTqWdsL3hkPUjLvpo-FGXZCUpmrVw0a5HU5y_oSWXFhVoICNST4lVV9pRrCF_EWutnNWH78VD08N_Si23VhcO7owHOUFwxIlJZAH2TCzlZqjNlBa1NgFy9Xe7FkEgh7yc>

Click Here to Register<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001ve1CccQIQOnbhCDi5bx40rl4Y_6x3kyDlfRLh9sykoKip2DlSzkhffc66xgEktOCm4D4bx5y6zdVlbDYSjfXeF0Xf1UaSrwIZH9AuhB6VK3T2cLIZYcJahAO9s1de3xRN4MIkGJOmMIVHBWlNz3C0g==>


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New York City Department of Small Business Services | 110 William Street, 7th Floor | New York | NY | 10038

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