[Fredslist] Welcome New Dinner Group Member Korinne Kubena Belock!

Erin Ardleigh EArdleigh at wassociatesny.com
Wed May 23 16:13:25 EDT 2012


Please join me in welcoming Korinne!


Erin Ardleigh

Wechsler Associates, Inc.


eardleigh at wassociatesny.com



Korinne Kubena Belock is the founder and owner of Urban Simplicity, a
professional organizing company that streamlines the lives of New
Yorkers and designs custom systems to make sure they stay organized.  At
home or at work, Korinne makes the most of a client's space and time -
and gives the peace of mind that an organized life brings.


Korinne has ten years of experience in political organizing and worked
for Mayor Mike Bloomberg, as well as elected officials from the United
States Congress to The White House.  After a decade using her natural
talent for organizing people and creating efficient systems to get
politicians elected, she now brings her experience and energy to help
New York's residents and small businesses increase their productivity
through organization.


Korinne Kubena Belock

Owner and Founder, Urban Simplicity 

www.UrbanSimplicityNYC.com <http://www.urbansimplicitynyc.com/> 

kkb at UrbanSimplicityNYC.com <mailto:kkb at UrbanSimplicityNYC.com> 



Follow Korinne's Blog



Connect with Korinne

Facebook: www.facebook.com/UrbanSimplicity

Twitter: www.twitter.com/#!/UrbanSimplicity

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=91242162&trk=tab_pro

Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/kkb/



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