[Fredslist] Don't miss this concert, TOMORROW, 7:30p, May 16th at Merkin Hall (clear your calendar!)

Rona Wexler rona at wexler-consulting.com
Tue May 15 22:43:16 EDT 2012

Don't miss this concert, TOMORROW, 7:30p, May 16th at Merkin Hall (clear your calendar!)
Rona Wexler

10:30 PM (0 minutes ago)


to bcc: iris, bcc: fredslist, bcc: dbarcham, bcc: sborenstein7, bcc: stroup, bcc: Shelley, bcc: Cliff, bcc: jeanneannenort., bcc: agreenblatt, bcc: egreenblatt, bcc: Wsamuelson, bcc: rkarmel, bcc: sheree, bcc: lylelandon, bcc: Carole, bcc: egwaves, bcc: Sally, bcc: LaPier, bcc: jriegel1, bcc: Arlinenew, bcc: DebHark, bcc: roberta, bcc: ckincaid, bcc: mgoldfried, bcc: rogers.tea

Friends and Colleagues,
Just returned from our thrilllllling dress rehearsal!  Free up your tomorrow evening.  You will feel energized and electric -- with 80 voices, incredibly talented vocalists, 4 world premieres and 7 instrumentalists -- how can you not be wowed!!  A few tickets still available...get them now!  Plan to be in NYC - don't go home just yet,   you WILL thank me!
General Admission Orchestra:


General Admission Balcony:


Buy General Admission Orchestra<http://tickets.kaufman-center.org/single/selectSeating.aspx?p=1825> Buy General Admission Balcony<http://tickets.kaufman-center.org/single/selectSeating.aspx?p=1825>
Merkin Concert Hall
212 501 3330<tel:212%20501%203330>


Academy of Jewish Religion presents Shirei Shalom: Songs of Peace
Wednesday, May 16  |  7:30pm /  Merkin Concert Hall

 *   The Academy for Jewish Religion, a pluralistic rabbinical and cantorial school located in Riverdale, NY, proudly presents Shirei Shalom - Songs of Peace -- contemporary musical expressions of our yearning for peace in the world featuring the music of Debbie Friedman, Michael Ochs, and Cantors Gerald Cohen, Natasha Hirschhorn, Leon Sher, and Sol Zim among many notable contemporary Jewish composers.  Fourteen well-known cantors will be participating with a chorus of over 70 voices, including Sherei Chesed, the Jewish Community Chorus at Ansche Chesed, and Shir Chadash, the Brooklyn Jewish Community Chorus

Ticket Information
General Admission Orchestra:


General Admission Balcony:


Buy General Admission Orchestra<http://tickets.kaufman-center.org/single/selectSeating.aspx?p=1825> Buy General Admission Balcony<http://tickets.kaufman-center.org/single/selectSeating.aspx?p=1825>
Merkin Concert Hall
212 501 3330<tel:212%20501%203330>
Goodman House
129 W. 67th Street
New York, NY 10023
boxoffice at kaufman-center.org<mailto:boxoffice at kaufman-center.org>
GOOGLE MAP<http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=203813026240723273282.00044325e925bf595fd02&msa=0>
VIEW HOURS<http://kaufman-center.org/mch/contact>



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