[Fredslist] Missing girl

Debra B. Lindner debbie at gothamnetworking.com
Fri May 11 08:56:15 EDT 2012

Good morning Gotham,

Please see the email below from one of Gotham's newest members, Christopher Smith. His client needs our help with a story many of us have been following on the news.... Let's use some Gotham magic to help make this a happy ending.

Please contact Christopher direct at Christopher.X.Smith at morganstanleysmithbarney.com



-----Original Message-----
From: Smith, Christopher x [mailto:Christopher.X.Smith at morganstanleysmithbarney.com] 
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 5:23 PM
To: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com
Subject: Missing girl


We really need the magic of Gotham for this one.  

A client of mine is the aunt of Isabel Celis of Tuscon AZ.  If you have not seen the story on the news,  Isabel was taken from her bed in her home on April 20th.  Since it has been 3 weeks, local police are more or less telling the family they cannot commit many more resources to the case.  If the case were to attract more media attention they feel more of an effort would continue.   

We are seeking a connection to ANY member of the national media that can draw more attention to this case, ideally a John Walsh or Oprah; someone with national identity recognition. 

As the father of two young children I cannot imagine what it must feel like to hear basically "we give up" on finding your child.   I know its a long shot but I've heard magical things about Gotham magic in the past!  

Please contact me directly and thank you in advance for your efforts.  


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