[Fredslist] Kudos to Jerry Tuohey / Moveway Transfer

Raj Goel, CISSP raj at brainlink.com
Wed Mar 28 16:16:45 EDT 2012


	3 weeks ago, my dad's office manager made him an offer - the office is going under reconstruction and they have several filing cabinets that they are getting rid of.  

	If you want them, get them moved out asap.

	I called Jerry for advice on a Saturday morning - and he called me back.

	He started by offering me low-cost, do-it-yourself approaches.

	We quickly realized that this was not something my dad & I wanted to do by ourselves.

	Jerry's office manager took care of the insurance certificates, dealt with the building manager, etc.

	The Moveway guys showed up on time, on a Monday evening, got the cabinets moved to our house, and made my dad HAPPY!

	Not many people meet my Dad's standards.

	Jerry's guys easily exceeded his expectations. moved the cabinets, and did it ON TIME, ON BUDGET and with GREAT ATTITUDE.

	Thanks Jerry!


Rajesh Goel, CISSP 
cell (917) 685-7731 
CTO: Brainlink International, Inc. 
raj at brainlink.com 

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