[Fredslist] tremendous, worthwhile event

Stuart Kamen skamen at platinumplatypus.com
Wed Mar 14 11:36:50 EDT 2012

Hi, Everyone,

I wanted to quickly chime in as a relative newcomer to the tribe.

Last evening was my first experience attending a large-scale Gotham event. And, I have to say, it was VERY well worth it.

Right from the get-go, I was made to feel very welcome by a number of people who came up to say hello. But, more impressive to me, I was actually personally introduced around the room to a number of people by fellow Gothamites that I've known for a bit. Thanks to Dr. Bruce for going out of your way in this regard ... and thanks to Ester Horowitz (a friend from a past life) for making sure that I met plenty of people as well. Both of you were clearly looking out for my best interests ... and I greatly appreciate it!

I also got a chance to connect with a number of people who I had spoken with previously on the phone - David Henry, for instance, and Katherine Cohn who I will be mentoring with. Looking forward to further discussions here. And, I was able to reconnect with Len Eagle (after about a decade). And then, at the end of the night, Lisa Waterman and I figured out that we did some business together back around the year 2000 ... though we can't - yet - remember how we came to meet each other in the first place. All in good time.

Sorry for all the name-dropping ... but it was quite the experience.

Thanks to everyone for making me feel welcome. And, I promise to follow up with all those who I met. 

In the meantime ... and in the spirit of Gotham ... please feel free to reach out if I can ever be of assistance!

Stu Kamen
EVP Corporate Accounts
Platinum Platypus, Inc.
skamen at platinumplatypus.com
Office: 631.925.5622 x102
Mobile: 516.551.2900

 Connect with me

Corporate Album: http://www.vimeo.com/album/1675259
Broadcast, Sports & Entertainment Album: http://www.vimeo.com/album/1689891

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