[Fredslist] Ride the Circuit to East End - March 15th

Victoria Roberts Drogin victoria at mindshiftresources.com
Mon Mar 5 16:16:51 EST 2012

Hi All –

Please join the dynamic GOTHAM EAST END GROUP for lunch Wednesday, March 15th!

This group is made up of energetic business owners and professionals, committed to developing strong referral networks and generating business for one another.

We love guests and love to find creative ways to connect our guests (and each other) to potential clients, customers and business sources.

Our Spotlight theme for this month is: "Bring A Guest!"

In addition to great food, lots of fun and warm and wonderful people, an incredible amount of business is done around our table -  We welcome you to join us!

March 15th, 2012 – 12:00 to 2:00pm

Oso Restaurant – Southampton Inn
91 Hill Street
Southampton, NY 11963


$45 register online at. www.gothamnetworking.com (click events, click East End)

Please join us! Contact Jason Greenberg, our GC, at 646.425.3711 or adjustman at aol.com , ASAP so he can check for conflicts.

Looking forward to seeing you there!


Victoria Roberts Drogin, Esq. 
Co-Chair, Gotham East End 

Victoria Roberts Drogin, Esq.
MindShift Resources, Inc.
Executive, Professional and Life Coaching

victoria at mindshiftresources.com
t: 516.640.6260 | m: 917.418.2299

Your Thinking. Your Business. Your Life.         

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