[Fredslist] Fwd: Exciting Offer from School News Nationwide/ Words of Bonds

Danny Mizrahi dm at contangoit.com
Thu Mar 1 11:53:45 EST 2012

If you'd like to get involved, please let me know!

 Danny Mizrahi

 p:  (212) 737-0608
 m: (516) 606-4326
 f:   (877) 737-2282

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bill Tingling <king at mysite.com>
Date: Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 10:02 AM
Subject: Exciting Offer from School News Nationwide/ Words of Bonds
To: dm at contangoit.com

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*Dear Friends,   *

* *

*We are pleased to inform you that SNN (SCHOOL NEWS NATIONWIDE) would like
to have its "Words of Bonds" summer 2012 Holocaust Tolerance program at PS
270, and we are reaching out to you, your friends, associates, to help us
obtain a sponsor for this very, extremely significant educational endeavor.
As you blink your eyes, a Holocaust Survivor dies. The more our nation's
youth are expose to the teaching of tolerance and academics by Holocaust
survivors, is one less tyrant, or ignorant person society may have.
President Teddy Roosevelt said, "To educate a man in the mind and not in
morals is to educate a menace to society." We do not have the funds
available to accomplish this worthy cause; hence we are reaching out to you
for help. This year, we are using 5 educational levels of the Teaching
Trunk Tolerance Curriculum. We are preparing to accommodate 325 students
from grades 5 -12, parents, educators and people from the community. *

* *

*The 8 weeks cost for the rental of New York City Public School 270 in
Brooklyn is:                               *

*$10,000.00, Insurance is $4,700 *

*Director's salary $600 per week X 8 weeks = $4800 *

*Seven Teachers $500 per week, per teacher, X 8 weeks = $ 28,000 *

*Staff i.e. medical personnel/ sports officer and administrators *

*$450 per week x 8 weeks = $3,600, Supplies $3000, Miscellaneous $2000 *

*Total Cost $56,000 *

* *


*To make a tax-deductible, charitable donation, safely and securely, on
behalf of you, your family and loved ones please click the button below,
and please be generous. To pay by check, make check payable to School News
Nationwide, and mail it to SNN 1072 Fulton Street Brooklyn New York 11238*

[image: Donate]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1109416246012&s=3226&e=001Dk-cPdNKjbA3Tnroj2OPtFqjmdsKhVOhBzvK8xDLEr9vm6BsEe4yVZaqajI04R62MS2HIQeuQezZHa6xNlCVn1dtKWuRF2Z3Ru57Rysjrua3ZKr0nNFGCpQ8Y87IN91aZtRnPDuKB5JDYNYCAlPCilPS-chAJHEcgGNGWLWv5S0kMaDU9dE7x2LnjPaTV5th>

*This summer we will be working with the "Teaching Trunks" project. The
trunk, filled with instructional materials and teaching curriculums, will
be shipped to our school in New York for student learning. *

* *

*The primary focus of our learning experiences is tolerance, combating
bullying, fundamental academics, all spear-headed by the painful recounting
of Holocaust Survivors. Youth will discover opportunities to integrate
powerful messages by images, music and performances. Students will explore
the connection between historical bystander behaviors, modern challenges
with school bullying, gun violence, and the code of no snitching. As our
children explore, write and learn to appreciate this remarkable historical
human endeavor, they understand the importance of community, respect, and
the importance of others as well. *

* *

*Other key components of our program include television broadcasting,
newspaper writing, conflict resolution, mentoring, sports, learning
interviewing/ communication, and critical reading skills. Thank you for
your ongoing support, and should you desire any further information, please
feel free to contact us directly at 718 753 9920. *


*Below are some of the SNN graduates, many are now professionals and some
are students. They have all pledged to continue to support the SNN
endeavors and to continue to be that guiding light to our nation's youth. *

* *

*The Director of our SNN Educational Program Michael met his wife during
their years working at SNN. He is not only our educational director, but he
is now a Principal at a New York Board of Education school and his wife is
also a NYBoE school teacher. *

*Andrew, one of SNN writers during his school and college years, is a Yale
graduate and is now a practicing attorney. He is a scholar, and one of the
investigators who worked with Paul Volcker- the former Federal Reserve
Chairman, to investigate the United Nation, Iraq Oil for Food activity. *

* *

*Silvia started with us from HS ... has her MA and is now working at NYU *

*David is a reporter with the Daily News *

*Joy is studying international law at Princeton University *

*Emanuel, BA in Psychology *

*Jessica, BA in accounting *

*Richard, New York City Police Officer *

*Antoinette, MA Accounting Major *

*Giovanni, BA Physical Therapist *

*Risa, Vibe Magazine Editor *

*Sparkle, School Teacher *

*Stardell, Movie Editor *

*Kijuan, 4th year of college majoring in Medical Lab Technology *

*William BA Psychology*

* *

*Respectfully yours,*

*Sally Frishberg, Holocaust Survivor and *

*Board Member*

* *

*Bill Tingling*

*Executive Director*

*School News Nationwide, Inc.*

*"Words of Bonds" Project*
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  School News Nationwide/ Words of Bonds | 1072 Fulton Street | Brooklyn |
NY | 11238
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