[Fredslist] The Gotham Tribe means so much to me

Suzanne Neilson suzanneneilson at comcast.net
Fri Jun 29 21:03:37 EDT 2012

Hello to my Gotham tribe,

Nine days ago my daughter Stephanie, who is living in Alaska, broke both of
the bones in her lower leg. It was a bad accident in that she required
surgery, metal plates and screws...the whole nine yards for shattered bones.
On top of that, she and I were 3600 miles apart.

The day following the news, I put out a Help! on Fredslist--how to get to
Alaska quickly and without enormous expense.  I can't tell you how many
people responded with ideas or even just to express their sympathies.  It
was overwhelming.

After Stephanie's surgery, a friend flew from Hawaii to Anchorage to care
for her.  Upon discharge from the hospital they were put up for a week in a
hotel, after which they had nowhere to go, and Stephanie was still unsure
about what to do next. I put out another note on Fred's list, hoping that
perhaps someone had a contact in Anchorage who could help us find her a
temporary place to stay.

I guess you know where this is going.  Again, Gothamite emails flooded my
inbox, with many great ideas and suggestions.  And where is Stephanie now?
Recuperating further in Marc Halpert's cousin's house!  Marc, thank you so

The Gotham caring and giving stretches all the way from the east coast to
Alaska--amazing.  What positive energy this group sends out to each other
and to the world.  And in my eyes, that's what life is all about. We are all
fortunate to be part of this great Gotham family.  Thank you, everyone, and
thank you Josh Zinder, for inviting me to join. 

Most sincerely,
Suzanne Neilson

Suzanne Neilson
The Organized Life

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