[Fredslist] Thank you for the well-wishes and an invitation!

Ellin Yassky medici18 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 25 10:42:02 EDT 2012

Dear Gotham members,

Thank you all for the thunderous good wishes that I've been receiving! Yes, it's true. A week from tomorrow (July 2nd) Rocco and  I (Rocco is my dog!) will be on the plane making Aliyah to Israel, a step that even 6 months ago was completely absent from my thoughts. But as so many other important things in my life have presented themselves, this opportunity to work at the Emunah Center came to me in the most natural, logical way. And when an offer presents itself like this, it would be fool-hardy to say no. After all, how many chances do we get in our lives to begin again?

I bring the very special friends, whom I have made from Gotham, with me in my heart. Gotham has been an absolutely unique and rewarding experience, allowing me to be surrounded by people who care about other people, deeply and truly. 

Please consider this a sincere and extended invitation for any and all of you who will travel to Israel to come and look me up. I will be up north, in one of the most verdant, peaceful, beautiful parts of Israel. Since the country is the size of New Jersey, nothing is very far from anything else. You can continue to contact me via email: Medici18 at yahoo.com or Ellin.Emunah at yahoo.com. You can also SKYPE me at EllinYassky, or call me at 203-374-1426 (That's my home number, which I'm taking with me). 

We've all said, "What goes around, comes around." Well, for me it's absolutely true. And now I'm reaping the benefit of it, as I jump into the "Mobius Strip" of good karma, helping these wonderful kids at the Emunah Children's Center.

Maybe we should start a Gotham Afula Chapter????

Warm regards to all of you. I hope to come back and visit when I come back. Perhaps I can even be a speaker at a Non-Profit luncheon (hint hint????).

Shalom to all,


Ellin Yassky, Ph.D.
U.S. Liaison/Development Coordinator
The Emunah Children's Center
50 Yehoshua Hankin Street

Afula Israel 18255

Ellin.Emunah at yahoo.com
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