[Fredslist] Daughter with broken leg needs room or condo in Anchorage

Suzanne Neilson suzanneneilson at comcast.net
Wed Jun 20 13:10:49 EDT 2012

Hello my fellow Gothamites,

Thank you so very much to all of you who responded to me about how to get to
Anchorage for my daughter Stephanie, who broke her fibula and tibia and had
an operation.

Now I'd like to ask another question:  Does anyone have a contact in
Anchorage from whom I might be able to find a room in a home or a condo that
isn't too expensive? Stephanie and her friend (who flew in from Hawaii to
care for her) need somewhere to go where she can convalesce for at least a
week.  She will be released from the hospital within the next couple of
days, and they have no place to go. Any leads that you might have would be
deeply appreciated.

Again, I thank you all so much for your concern and help.  I apologize to
those of you who I have not yet answered.  I'll write to you once things
settle down.


Suzanne Neilson
The Organized Life

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