[Fredslist] Gotham Gratitude

Christopher Lamal clamal at lamal-law.com
Sun Jan 15 08:59:25 EST 2012

As some of you may know, I was recently hospitalized and sought help and
advice on Fredslist about home treatment options and alternatives so I could
minimize my stay in a physical rehab center.  Once again Gotham members
responded generously and helpfully to a call for help from another member,
and I want to thank everyone who offered advice, support, guidance and
referrals to other resources.  Among the many who come to mind are Jayne
Latz, Kelly Welles, Jill Hoefs, Fred Klein himself, along with several
others whose names I've lost.


I want to give special thanks to Jack Halpern, Rosario Accardi and Ben
Geizhals for their generosity in helping me navigate through the maze of
issues and procedures involved.  Through their expertise, I will finally be
going home tomorrow to complete my physical rehab there instead of in an


Again, many, many thanks.


All the best to all of you,




Christopher T. Lamal

Lamal Law Office

1040 Avenue of the Americas
Suite 1101

New York, NY 10018

 <mailto:clamal at lamal-law.com> clamal at lamal-law.com

Tel:  212-302-0410
Cell: 646-286-0289

Fax: 646-435-9221

 <http://www.lamal-law.com/> www.lamal-law.com

 <http://www.linkedin.com/in/lamal> http://www.linkedin.com/in/lamal




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