[Fredslist] LRG Meeting Notice Jan 17

Judie Judie at promotionalsolutions.biz
Mon Jan 9 06:33:03 EST 2012

Cheers to all and Happy New year!

Please note we have a terrific meeting lined up:

                               Tuesday, January 17                                            
                                         Friars Club
                                57 E. 55th NYC, NY 10022 (212) 751-7272

We are kicking off the year with a great meeting.  Thanks to Jeff, our new "Meeting Topic Master" we will be off and running in 2012.  He has the perfect topic for the beginning of the year!  As part of the round table intros, everyone will briefly state who their best type of client referrals are and why.   We want to get specific. (i.e. "Real Estate Attorney that deals with environmentally distressed properties in Manhattan and the Boroughs.")  Dig Deep!  Really build on what to look for.  Discuss why you are successful with these types of clients and characterize them so that when others are at an event, or meeting people, you can identify their future clients.  This will help myself and everyone in the room better our success together.   Thanks Jeff!

Keep in mind 2012 membership due, $600, are due.  You may pay online or send check to  Debbie Lindner  (see invoice email previously send).  Please be aware that you need to pay BEFORE DEC. 15 to save the $50 late fee.  Any questions, let me now.

Please invite guests as we are growing the group and want to keep up the great momentum.  Be sure to have guests and their category of business cleared with me prior to the meeting, as you know, we are a non-compete group.  Lunch is $40 which should be paid online prior to the meeting.  Click here to access to pay for approved guests  http://www.gothamnetworking.com/events/eventDetail.php?eventId=2283&eventType=3

Also remind guests, if they use the Friars Parking garage on 54th street, they need to pay cash at the Friars Club to receive the significantly discounted rate.  

Helpful hints from previous meetings:

Bruce, Jeff and David, please confirm that you indeed are able to assist on out membership/member review committee.  If anyone else is interested, we'd love the help. 

1.        Go down the member roster and make appointments outside our regular meetings.  The meeting may include  
      2,3,4 people.nice opportunity to create synergies and have mini 'think tanks' on building new client relationships.  
2.       Invite another member on an appointment (great idea Tom).  
3.       Send a 'shout out' to our LRG group members ( legalresource at gothamnetworking.com ) and/or to Fredslist ( fredslist at gothamnetworking.com ) asking  if anyone has a connection to a firm you are looking to make contact with.  "Ask and you shall receive"!   J  
As you saw at the meeting, going around the table and gaining direct contacts is truly the magic of Gotham. 
4.       Tuesday and Fridays are "Promo" days on fredslist.  On either of these days (1 time per week) you can send out a self promo, special, service advertisement,  and promote your business. Send these promo emails to:   
promo at gothamnetworking.com   (remember, it only goes out Tuesday's and Friday's) 
5.       The Gotham Gazette is another way to gain exposure through Gotham.  Send articles, stories, Gotham Magic in action to Ester Horowitz  (witsowitz at verizon.net ).  As you can see from the meeting, Ester puts in so much time with the gazette and connecting to Gotham members gains you exposure and recognition.   
6.       Respond to blogs.  The writing talents of our Gotham bloggers is quite evident and very interesting to be a part of.  Respond to blogs, not only do the bloggers  love seeing comments, people do get to know you.   

7.   Guests, Guests, Guests. Remember, guests are always welcome and they will continue to grow the group.  Keep in mind the special niche' the group has created, businesses servicing lawyers and the legal community.  This is a key consideration when reaching out to a potential guest/member. Drop me an email  ( judie at PromotionalSolutions.biz )    prior to a meeting to avoid any conflict.

8.   Complete your profile.  I will gladly re-invite any member so they can access/set up their profile on Gotham's Website.  Being seen on the website is another great way to gain exposure with fellow members.  Please use the website to connect with individuals that have a natural synergy with your business.   

 Remember, we are in this together!  I am here to help each of you however I can.  Tell me what you need and I will assist.  
"It is better to give than receive and what goes around, comes around.

Thank you everyone and have a great week.  I am here if anyone has any questions or ideas for the group.  Let's keep the momentum going!

 Cheer to a great 2012,
Judie LRG Group Coordinator  :)  
 Judie Moceri
Promotional Solutions Int'l
"Your One Stop Promotion Source"

visit us at  www.PromotionalSolutions.biz 

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