[Fredslist] Back surgery

Eric Baker eric at eba-pc.com
Tue Feb 7 17:52:05 EST 2012

Gotham Family
I began playing tennis 10 yrs ago and I played 3-5 times a week up until last Wednesday. I reached a 4.5 Usta level in that period of time. I am passionate about this sport. I stopped playing last Wednesday because I can't take the back pain anymore. 

I suffered a fusion to my back 25 years ago. That surgery was successful but now the rest of my back is feeling the stress of that surgery. 
I have seen 3 specialists. They have all concluded that I need a metal rod in my spine to support the 2 damaged vertebrae above the fusion. 
I don't want a metal rod in my spine.   I am 50 and I just can't believe there is not a more progressive answer out there.  I'm reaching out to all of u for some guidance. Does anyone have knowledge of a great back specialist?

I would be incredibly grateful for any recommendations. 

Eric Baker

EBA iPhone

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