[Fredslist] Gotham Collaboration: Victoria Roberts Drogin heading up a new division at Pear Core Solutions, President of Leadership and Professional Development

Victoria Roberts Drogin victoria.roberts.drogin at gmail.com
Wed Aug 22 14:48:49 EDT 2012

Hi All, 

It is with great excitement that I am joining Deidre Siegel at Pear Core Solutions to build a new department dedicated to providing high level Executive Coaching on:   Leadership and Professional Development, Team Alignment, and individual and corporate Growth Strategy.  

Along with Pear's existing suite of outsourced Human Resource Management  and Talent Acquisition services, Deidre and I will provide individual personal assessments (certified Kolbe, Myers Briggs/MBTI and others) and a highly focused laser coaching process developed from years of combined experience to bring teams and individuals to their highest potential. 

We look forward to meeting with you to see how we can help develop and maximize your goals, effectiveness and achieve your  vision for yourself and your company. 

With love and gratitude to the Gotham tribe for all your support on this venture, and much excitement on supporting your success,


Victoria Roberts Drogin, Esq. 

Professional, Executive and Life Coaching and Leadership Development

Victoria.Roberts.Drogin at gmail.com

Your Thinking. Your Business. Your Life. 

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